closing the digital divide

The lack of access to broad-band is a structural determinant of health that impacts education, access to health care, employment, financial well-being and social inclusion in the New Mexico-Mexico border region, especially in the colonias communities.

Grandparents Raising Children

Nationwide, more than 2.6 million people are raising grandkids. That number is rising rapidly as more parents are jailed, are forced into treatment centers or die from drug and opioid overdoses (AARP 2017).

Latinx Youth suicide prevention

While the majority of New Mexico youth (54.3%) are Hispanic/Latinx (more than 300,000 people), there is NO statewide strategic plan that tackles suicide prevention for Latinx youth.

Asian American Racial Equity

Asian American Racial Equity & Healing – Policy Dialogues, January 13, 2022

Advancing Disability Rights through Housing Equity

“Disability” has been used as a justification for the exclusion of individuals from full and equal rights and privileges of U.S. society since the mid-19th century.

Mobilizing For Tribal Health in all Policies

Federal and state suppression of cultural sovereignty in American Indian (AI) tribes’ self-rule of their people’s health and well-being has produced siloed, fragmented, and foreign policies and practices.